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Design for a Changing World

China focus programme


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Please note: Tonight, the second part of the talk will be broadcasted. (Re)watch the first part via this link.

The conference 'Design for a Changing World' features leading designers, makers and thinkers from The East and The West and showcases innovative design projects between China and The Netherlands. The conference will be broadcasted from the livestream studio in The Effenaar, Eindhoven.  The world in 2020 has taken a drastic turn, with the current pandemic and the urgent environmental threats, the dialogue with China is more pertinent than ever. BIAN 变, meaning change in Chinese refers to the Daoist "science of metamorphosis” which can lead to positive change and transformation. How can we accelerate design knowledge, exchange and benefit from a crisis to come out more united, better and stronger? Join us for a journey from ancient Chinese wisdom, the countryside to cutting edge design and circular technology in both China and the Netherlands; exploring different roads towards a better future.


Discussion Panel 2: Pioneers of change - design for a better environment

  • Steven Smit – Director Asia MVRDV

  • Anouchka van Driel - Curator K11
  • Lyla Wu - CEO/ Founder Neuni Group

  • Pei-Ying Lin – Artist & Designer

Panel 3: Intercultural cooperation during and after COVID Speakers

  • Monique Knapen – China coordinator Creative Holland

  • Miranda Yan – Vice President 751 D-Park
  • Lei Shen– Professor Donghua University
  • Ronnie Kuppens – China Project Manager Brainport Development 

Moderated by: Marie-Anne Souloumiac & Lidi Brouwer