Students from the Furniture Design, Fashion, Media Art & Performance and The Talent Atelier will present their work around the theme 'Transformation, From here to eternity'. Within the theme the students have incorporated the changing world in their stories.
A reaction at a changing world by students
Furniture Design and Fashion
In the furniture design and fashion courses we mix reused materials, ergonomics, sustainability, psychology and innovation with the Design Thinking principle. In the design process, the students fully explore and experiment. This way they arrive at products and services in which the user is central and engaged.
Media Art & Performance
Within the Media Art & Performance study program, students in the third and fourth year work for 'The Production House'. This is a learning working environment where the students come into contact with real life assignments and clients from the future field of work. The Production House guides the students in the development of professional, investigative and enterprising attitudes. Also responsible behavior is very crucial here. Ze worden uitgedaagd te reageren op een veranderende wereld.
The Talent Atelier
In the Talent Atelier, students from various study programs work together interdisciplinary on assignments from the business community and the government.
All participating courses are creative, future-oriented vocational courses that put people first.