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Isola Talents Factory

(Archive) Soft Silica

Innovative Glasswork Technique

This project was part of DDW 2021
Glass movement sample — © Sarah Roseman

Soft Silica is a new expression for glass that lies on the boundary between textile and glasswork. Capturing the way glass melts in a static object through the tactility of a textile.
Glass tapestries, sculptural vessels as well as an extensive and ever-growing archive of samples.

Continuing Research

Soft Silica is a new expression for glass that lies on the boundary between textile and glasswork. The material is brought to life by capturing the way glass melts in a static object through the tactility of a textile. This project is a continuation of almost a year's worth of glass research, delving into many possible applications of the material. One direction was integrating copper wire inside of the glass to allow electricity to flow through the material to power a light-source. Currently, soft silica is expressed in glass tapestries and sculptural vessels, but continues to evolve as the material is developed further.

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