We can all agree that the people who take care of our health are awesome people who deserve more than they ask for. The last two years, they have given up much of their sleep, family-time and freedom to ensure that our world keeps functioning. Who takes care of our caregivers though?
COVID-19 only highlighted a problem that was already there
Caregivers' well-being can be affected by high levels of work related stress, both mental and physical. When the covid-19 healthcare crisis hit, caregivers across all disciplines have been presented with the additional challenge of continuing their caring duties, while also preserving their own health and safety.
During this Dutch Design Week, we will give you, the caregivers, the room to tell us what you need in order to have your wellbeing needs met.
The goal of this all?
An open-sourced, co-creative design process in which we show the world how to design real, effective solutions for today’s big issues. Starting with a huge priority, caring for the carers. In a week, which kicks-off with a large event for as much caregivers as we can host, we will go through a full design cycle to create a concept and a strategy to implement it. The process culminates into a manifesto, which is to be signed off by the key players in Eindhoven’s care industry. Co-created by the people taking care of us, developed by aspiring designers and committed to implement by a variety of care organizations, we bring you the open-sourced design process of "Caring for the carers". The process will literally be transparent, as spectators will watch the designers from a distance and be able to get a unique perspective on how to tackle such a challenge. NOTE: this project is supported by the SDG subsidy from Gemeente Eindhoven.