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Embassy of Food

Nieuwe Vroenten

A taste for change
How food can shape our future homes

Nieuwe Vroenten op de kaart — © LOLA Landscape Architects

Nieuwe Vroenten: a development project that combines nature-inclusive agriculture, sustainable energy and a circular economy in an attractive, inclusive living-working landscape. It promotes cooperative food production, sustainable living and (productive) nature development


If we were to use only half of the current agricultural area for
food production, space would be created for housing, nature, recreation and innovative forms of
agriculture. What is the potential of plant-based food for the future development of the Netherlands? What does this mean for the relationship between farmers, citizens and agriculture?

This is Nieuwe Vroenten, Brabant in miniature. Where we will live in an area of ​​3 by 3 km with 6000 people. The population density that is expected in Brabant in 2050. A development project that combines nature-inclusive agriculture, sustainable energy and a circular economy in an attractive, inclusive living-working landscape. It promotes cooperative food production, sustainable living and contributes to the energy transition and sustainable entrepreneurship.

More than just a concept

It is a concrete plan in development, supported by the local community and aimed at local broad prosperity. Nieuwe Vroenten is now looking for a place to land. With enthusiastic people who want to live and work there. A place to shape together. We know it is possible. We have calculated and signed for it.

By switching completely to animal-free agriculture, it is possible to develop a mixed residential-working area that is balanced when it comes to energy and food: as many calories and kilojoules are produced as are consumed by the residents. By drastically reducing the ecological footprint on these themes, we not only set a good example, but also show that this results in an incredibly attractive landscape for everyone, with clean air, lush nature and delicious food.

Future location

At the future location of Nieuwe Vroenten, a number of issues are boundary conditions. In an area of ​​just over 3 by 3 kilometres, we are looking for a mosaic of potentials: there must be a need for housing construction, and opportunities to connect to existing facilities. The soil must be suitable/can be made suitable for organic farming. Energy generation must be able to be connected to the energy grid, or find large local consumers. Nature development must provide a valuable link in the nature network. When we add up all these requirements, there are at least 100 potential locations in the province of Noord-Brabant alone. Where the project can land is up to local authorities, landowners and enthusiastic (future) residents.

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A better future requires change. Words alone won’t do. Real change requires people who combine knowledge and sensitivity with decisiveness. Committed people, accountable to your goals. P2's USP: project and process management