The expo Upside Down with Water in the Henriëttewaard by Kunstloc Brabant shows 5 innovative landscape studies for this area in Den Bosch. The aim is for the water task (floods and shortages), recreation, nature and the historical Zuiderwaterlinie to come together harmoniously and future-proof.
Heritage as inspiration for the water task
The Henriëttewaard is part of important Dutch military heritage: the Zuiderwaterlinie, which stretches from Zeeland to the border near Germany. The Henriëttewaard contains the historic Line 1629 and Fort Crèvecoeur, both part of the Zuiderwaterlinie. But currently these are not visibly present in the landscape.
Henriëttewaard is now mainly an agricultural area, surrounded by dug watercourses with new buildings on either side. To make an innovative contribution to the area's design, Kunstloc Brabant (knowledge and expertise centre for art and culture), together with partners, launched a design challenge on how to organise the water system around ‘s-Hertogenbosch in a new way, while making the heritage experienceable again. And of course in doing so, there are a number of important tasks, such as promoting biodiversity, improving water quality, recreation and strengthening the city's relationship with the river landscape. Five multidisciplinary design teams worked on this complex question. The exhibition Upside Down with Water in the Henriëttewaard shows their innovative and imaginative designs.
Kunstloc Partners
Together with partners, Kunstloc Brabant launched this design challenge. Partners are: Alliantie Zuiderwaterlinie, Staatsbosbeheer, NVTL, TU Delft, Rijksdienst Cultureel Erfgoed, Waterschap Aa en Maas, Gemeente ’s-Hertogenbosch en Provincie Noord-Brabant.
On October 23th Kunstloc Brabant and partners organise a dialogsession with the 5 designteams and stakeholders at Section-C. For more information look at the agenda on our website