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German Design Graduates (GDG)

German Design Graduates (GDG) is the only national initiative aimed at promoting young graduates from the fields of product and industrial design as well as presenting renowned German universities, art academies and technical colleges.

The enormous diversity of graduation projects, as well as their varied approaches to design, are something to talk about: not only in terms of of design, but also in terms of research and future issues in particular. The most important task of the GDG is to present and promote the quality and variety of the achievements and solutions developed by its graduates.

The graduation projects will be presented in a variety of formats, including a comprehensive online presentation, international exhibitions and networking events. Awards and individual grants are available to provide graduates with a springboard into a career in design.

The initiative was launched in 2019 by Prof. Ineke Hans, Prof. Hermann Weizenegger, Prof. Mark Braun and Katrin Krupka. The German Design Council Foundation has been managing the project since 2022.